On 19th September 2023, SilTerra Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“SilTerra”) organized its EHS Day, an initiative to increase awareness in the environment, employee health, and safety.
The EHS Department of SilTerra lined up a series of interactive talks for employees. The first is a talk on Recycling by Solid Waste Corporation (SW Corp), followed by a talk on “Ergonomics at the Workplace” by the Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) and Return to Work Program by the Social Security Organization (SOCSO). EHS Day ended with a presentation from the EHS/ESG department on “ESG initiatives at SilTerra”.
En.Mohd Mukhlis bin Mohd Azilan, presenter for SW Corp
The key takeback from the first talk, Recycling by Solid Waste Corporation (SW Corp), is that everyone should start separating their rubbish, if not, then landfills will take up more space and eventually more land have to be allocated for landfills. SilTerra has started segregating non-scheduled waste (i.e. paper, aluminum, glass and general) from the office/factory at source for some time already. It is time to enhance monitoring the quantum that goes to landfill and how much is diverted from it.
The second session by DOSH was about the awareness and importance of ergonomics in the workplace. The speaker emphasized on the preventive measures regarding Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD). The key takes away from the briefing is each employee suggested to maintain suitable posture and position at work station. It is necessary for human body to prevent and correct posture problems, reduce stress and enhance physical capabilities.
SOCSO’s talk was about the Return to Work Program which was introduced in 2007 for Insured Persons suffering from employment injury. The Return to Work program involves a proactive approach taken in helping Insured Persons with injuries or diseases opportunities to safe and productive work activities as soon as it is medically possible or when maximum medical improvement is achieved with primary focus on minimizing the impact of injuries or disabilities.
The last session of the day was about the Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) initiatives at SilTerra where updates were shared on the Company’s ESG performance and where SilTerra stands in achieving its sustainability targets and commitments. SilTerra also has established the GHG emission for Scope 1 and Scope 2 as the baseline emission for the company. SilTerra continue to address materiality issue toward the company ambition to achieve carbon neutral by 2040 and net zero emission by 2050.
SilTerra will continuously strengthen its Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) stewardship from time to time, to create long-term value for its stakeholders.